Wednesday 29 February 2012

I sat at home,
Wishing you were in my arms.
I closed my eyes and pictured 'us'
Together, looking into each other's eyes,
Revealing all that is hidden
And all that is true.

I sat in my room, 
Thinking about how beautiful and perfect you are
And I realized how lucky I was to be with you...
Someone who really cares about me,
Someone who actually feels the same,
And I can't help but cry.

I do not cry tears of sadness,
But tears of happiness,
Because I have found the one person who makes me happy
And makes my life complete.

I can't help wanting to have your soft lips on mine.
Because I feel without you... there can be no me.
I need you to help me
Through the day
Through the good
And through the bad.

I need you to be you,
Because that is who I have fallen in love with.
I love you so much
My heart stops when I hold you close...
I love you so much
I can feel it deep down inside my soul.

I love you for who you are
And who you want to be.

And, when I say, "I love you"
I put my heart, my soul, and my life into it...